Welcome Paramedic!

Find out how we help Anne
and how we could help you too.



A victim suffers from a drug overdose

The operations centre receives a call that an individual OD’ed and is in urgent need of assistance. The dispatcher immediately acts by alerting an ambulance and a local rapid responder group. 

She receives an alarm notification with mission overview

Anne receives an alarm on her mobile app that contains all the relevant information and the mission location on a map.

She communicates whether she is available or not

Anne signals her availability status by pressing a button in the mobile app after she has been alerted. Availability statuses correspond to the group that has been alerted and can be changed configuratively.

When selected or refused, she receives a notification

The operations centre can automatically or manually select rapid responders for a mission, which leads to them receiving a push message, with further information being shown in the mobile app.

If selected, she can see all mission details and other team members

All the rapid responders in a mission can be seen with their current position and status in the Momentum web application and mobile app, The mobile app allows Anne to contact other rapid responders in the mission easily. 

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